A New Deal for Sacramento
Caity has worked tirelessly to make sure that the government is working on behalf of the people — here’s what she’s going to fight for in City Hall:
Unaffordable housing costs are hurting working families across Sacramento, especially communities of color, and are forcing people to live on the streets when they can’t afford their home. I’ll work to launch a program that will build thousands of units of affordable housing to ease the crisis, and expand tenant protection programs to reduce the number of people being pushed out onto the streets.
Public Safety
Our City’s broken policies have lead to rising crime - nobody should feel unsafe in this community. Tackling the housing and homelessness crisis will reduce crime significantly - and I’ll also adopt the Sacramento Police Review Commission recommendations to invest in prevention by supporting community-based organizations and youth programs.
Protecting our Environment
Parts of District 5 have among the worst air quality in the region, especially in our communities of color. Environmental challenges threaten the health and safety of our families. Let’s improve walkability and bikeability, reduce car traffic, and invest in green technology.
Addressing the Root Causes of Homelessness
Over the last three years our homeless population has increased by a massive 67%. That horrifying statistic reflects broken government policies that enrich those at the top by crushing those in the middle and at the bottom.
Our comprehensive plan will not only prevent homelessness, but create a regional consortium to end homelessness. Instead of temporarily sweeping homeless people into prisons and pushing them into other neighborhoods, let’s actually get them off the streets and into safe housing. We will do this by following models that have worked in other cities: building enough shelter units, lowering the costs of housing, and providing services that people desperately need.
Attracting High-Quality Jobs
Parts of District 5 have an average income of $20,000 per year or less while the cost of housing, childcare, gas, food and other necessities are skyrocketing. Our plan will build the pipeline between our communities and high-paying union jobs by investing in workforce training and apprenticeship programs. Strengthening the economy in our district will also enhance public safety.
Supporting Small Businesses
Our small businesses breathe life into our communities. Small business owners struggle to compete when our government ignores them to focus on helping the big special interest groups at the top that make the biggest campaign contributions. Our plan will expand tax incentives and support systems so small businesses have the resources they need to thrive.